Take care of your people

Take care of your loved people

Take care of your lovesd people.

Some of the most important and beautiful love stories of our lives are experienced with people with whom we have no sexual or romantic ties.

Value and take care of your loves: they are our great treasures, the only antidote we have against loneliness and fear.

Love utopias for everyone

How about replacing "Prince Charming" with "a better world for everyone"?

Imagine, girls, channeling all our energies, knowledge, creativity, skills, imagination, desire and eroticism, love, aspirations, strength, and time into building a better world.

Millions of women are now alone, suffering for love, or dreaming of a non-existent being and an unrealistic model of a partner as salvation.

Let's transform individualistic romantic utopia into a collective love utopia where we all fit. Envision a world of organized women saving themselves together, with their feet on the ground, fighting for their rights, breaking free from patriarchy, creating networks of solidarity and mutual support, revolutionizing affections and relationships, working on emotions for personal and collective transformation. United women designing a better world, free from violence, discrimination, hierarchies, and exploitation.

Women defending the right to pleasure, women who want to enjoy love, women who want to experience joy and happiness, women building their love utopias free from dependencies and patriarchal myths, disobedient and rebellious women dreaming of a better world.

Coral Herrera Gómez

En Español: Utopías amorosas para todas 

Stop suffering for love is revolutionary

Stopping suffering for love is revolutionary.

The most revolutionary thing we, as women, can do in our everyday lives today is to not suffer for the love of a man. Because the patriarchy wants us on our knees, begging or demanding love, dreaming of love, enduring for love, sacrificing ourselves for love, giving up everything just to be loved by a man.

We need to be rebels: we don't have to stay in relationships where we aren't happy, we don't have to settle for scraps of love, we don't have to be understanding towards someone who doesn't know or doesn't want to take care of us, and we don't have to make it our mission to save any man. What we want and what we deserve is to find partners with whom we can enjoy sex, love, and life.

If there's no such partner, it's better to be without a relationship than to suffer for a guy who relishes in our suffering, who feels powerful having one or several women at his feet, all longing for a bit of attention and affection.

Suffering for the love of a man is over: if you're not having fun, if you're not enjoying it, leave that cursed drug behind and start taking good care of yourselves. Let's have fun, because the more we enjoy, the more it frustrates everyone who wants us bitter, insecure, filled with fears, or dependent on a man.

To put an end to the patriarchy, we must free ourselves from the need to be loved by a guy: let's break free from suffering, let's love ourselves properly and be happy, let's fill our lives with affection and lots of genuine love.

Coral Herrera Gómez

Artículo en español:  Dejar de sufrir por amor es revolucionario