Men Who No Longer Cause Suffering for Love: Transforming Masculinities, by Coral Herrera

"Do men enjoy sex and love?" is the big question that has been on my mind since I published my book "Women Who No Longer Suffer for Love." We women have been working on the patriarchies that inhabit us, and the relationships with ourselves, among us, and with men for decades. But what are they doing while we grow, evolve, and free ourselves from the patriarchy? How do they feel about all the social, political, economic, cultural, sexual, and emotional changes that the feminist movement is achieving worldwide? What do they contribute to this transformation? How do they react to the loss of their privileges?


This new book is full of questions surrounding the construction of patriarchal masculinity and dissident masculinities, how men relate to themselves, to other men, and to women, their way of managing emotions and feelings, and their relationship with romantic love. These questions can help men who are working on themselves and those who are eager to do so but don't know how. The questions serve us to analyze the culture we live in and to know ourselves better: they are very useful tools for engaging in self-critique of love and for working on everything we want to work on to become better individuals and to enjoy our relationships and lives more.

Men are currently at a historical crossroads: they have the opportunity to join the fight for a more peaceful, loving, equal, diverse, and ecological world, or they can continue as they are, entrenched in their positions, resisting one of the biggest revolutions taking place in this moment of present History.

Feminism is changing the lives of millions of people, but can men enjoy these changes? Why do many of them still resist the fight for equality and women's rights? Do they have the tools and capacity for self-critique to analyze their place in the world and their role in a patriarchal society? Are they prepared for the changes that are to come?

How do men relate to feminism? Shortly after the feminist revolution of the 60s and 70s, some men started coming together to discuss all these issues and to work on the patriarchies that inhabit them on a personal and collective level.

Since their emergence in the 1980s, studies on masculinities have been gaining increasing importance. In the 1990s, it also became a social and political movement that is still very much a minority today, but is already widespread in many countries. There are more and more groups of men working on patriarchies, more and more are choosing to join the advancements of the feminist struggle, and more and more are contributing to this process of collective transformation.

These groups of men are talking about how patriarchy affects them, how they follow gender mandates, how they learn to be men, how they learn to suppress and emotionally mutilate themselves, how they take care of themselves and others.

They write in magazines, create their blogs, organize congresses and events, hold and offer workshops, gather in men's circles, organize rallies against male violence in city squares, issue statements, participate in feminist spaces, engage in online activism. They are the feminist men, or allies of feminism, or egalitarian men, but they are a minority.

The vast majority of men are somewhat confused by this women's revolution in which they cannot be the protagonists. They don't know whether to be for or against it. It's more appealing to be in favor, but it seems that revisiting their privileges and patriarchies terrifies them. Many believe that feminism might feminize them and strip them of their masculine power.

This confusion leads many to react defensively to female empowerment, because as women gain rights, they lose privileges. Many think they are living in a battle of the sexes, when in reality what we are experiencing is a genuine war against women. We women go into battle defenseless, and we are attacked with blows, axes, shots, stabbings, hammer blows, and impalements.

According to the latest report on male violence from the UN, the most dangerous place for women is the home. We are attacked at home by our boyfriends, suitors, husbands, and ex-husbands. They kill us every day, in every country in the world: 1 woman every 5 minutes, 6 women every hour, 137 per day, 87,000 per year worldwide.

Feminism hasn't killed anyone; sexism kills every day. And yet, the men who feel threatened by the feminist revolution haven't stopped to consider how patriarchy also chains them, limits them, oppresses them, and makes them suffer. They also haven't thought about how their patriarchy affects others, especially the women around them, because doing so would require them to change and transform their lives.

In general, people are unable to comprehend the patriarchal structure we live in because it's not talked about, and there are those who believe it's an invention of feminists trying to dominate men. The education system teaches us about capitalism but not about patriarchy, leaving a significant gap in our understanding of how our economic system functions and how our relationships are shaped.

Patriarchy is the social, political, economic, cultural, sexual, and emotional structure in which we live and relate to others. It's a hierarchy in which men occupy the top of the pyramid, and women the bottom. The patriarchal world is based on power struggles, the exploitation of women, and violence.

Experiencing love as a joyful endeavor is nearly impossible within this patriarchal structure. Building egalitarian relationships based on companionship is challenging because we've been educated to relate from a framework of dominance and submission, and to exert power from either position. Consequently, it's extremely difficult to love well and enjoy both sex and love.

Patriarchal men are obligated to be strong, tough, primary providers, protectors, competitors, and achievers. They must win every battle, suppress themselves, mutilate their emotions, and constantly demonstrate their virility. Being an obedient man is exhausting, as most of their energy is directed toward power struggles, displays of strength and virility, and the need to assert dominance over others.

The more insecure a man is, the more violent he becomes: most alpha males are frightened boys with inferiority complexes and fears that haunt them for life, and that torment others. This is a result of an education based on misogyny; from a young age, they shy away from femininity because masculinity is constructed upon a triple negation: I am not a girl, I am not a baby, I am not homosexual. Elisabeth Badinter explains in her work how boys learn to associate everything negative with women: weakness, cowardice, sentimentality, stupidity, vulnerability, clumsiness, malevolence.

The male heroes that men admire are individuals without partners or families who don't know how to love or care. They only surround themselves with other men like them to save the world, fulfill a mission, have fun, rent women, conduct business. The reward they receive at the end of their battle is a good, sweet, devoted woman who waits for their arrival to heal the warrior's wounds, nourish him, meet his basic needs, obey him, love him unconditionally, make him happy, and give him children.

Boys who admire these heroes learn from a young age to defend their freedom. Throughout patriarchal culture, the message is that men must defend themselves from women, as they are the enemies. All women want to capture them through their charms and sexual power, and they must resist like Odysseus resisted the enchantment of the evil and seductive sirens.

Essentially, the idea that patriarchy conveys through culture is that there are a few good women, like the princesses in movies who dedicate themselves to waiting, while most are bad women who want to enamor men to confine them to the household, exploit them economically, isolate them from their loved ones, destroy their self-esteem, manipulate them at their whim, make them submissive, and break their hearts.

This is one of the reasons why patriarchal men aspire to enjoy a very diverse sex life, but hesitate greatly before falling in love or emotionally committing to a woman. We suffer alongside men who don't fall in love, don't open up, don't share themselves, and don't emotionally commit. We spend months and years with men who don't trust us.

They don't see us as perfect as the princesses in fairy tales. They aspire to find a honest and loyal woman who will never betray them, who will let them take the lead, who will be accommodating and self-sacrificing, who will be a slave to love. Independent women scare them.

They don't know how to relate to an autonomous woman on an equal footing: they only learn to build companionship with other men. And this greatly limits them when it comes to relating to women on a sexual and emotional level, because they always have the handbrake on, fearing to increase the intensity and speed.

Men who never delve into the depths and remain on the surface are incapable of enjoying love. And we suffer because we've been sold the story that if we wait and are patient, eventually the prince charming will fall in love with us.

These messages directly appeal to our ego: they tell us we are wonderful, and no man can resist our charms, and that if we resist and endure suffering, we will receive our reward – he will realize, end up in love and kneeling like Don Juan before Doña Inés, and offer us the throne of marriage. However, the reality is that most relationships with walls and obstacles to love do not work, and they make us all suffer in vain.

Relationships among men are also complicated because patriarchal males live in constant fear of homosexuality. They only kiss, touch each other's buttocks, and rub bodies when they score a goal playing football – the rest of the time they are constantly suppressing themselves or repressing others with the typical jokes of patriarchal homophobia. And, of course, the ones who have the hardest time are homosexual and bisexual men.

Many heterosexual men experience their sexuality in relation to other men. In other words, when they have relations with women, they are actually thinking about the admiration and envy that others will feel for their ability to hunt beautiful females, their sexual potency, and fertility.

For men raised in patriarchy, their virility depends on the number of women they can penetrate. That's why being in a monogamous and formal relationship subtracts points for them, and many try to remain single for as long as possible. However, once they marry, many of them continue to enjoy their sexual diversity and deny their partner the same possibility.

For many men, love is a prison, though it's also a palace in which they feel like kings. Patriarchy offers them a reward for entering the institution of marriage and family: they can enjoy a housemaid and an assistant who takes care of them and works for them for free, available 24 hours a day.

Perhaps this is the privilege they find hardest to relinquish: women's double workdays provide men with much more leisure time than their partners, and therefore, a higher quality of life.

Today, household chores have become one of the most important battlegrounds in couples and families: women are rebelling against their roles as maids and servants, while many men deeply resist sharing responsibility for caregiving and household tasks, merely limiting themselves to "helping" around the house.

For men, love is something secondary in their lives; for women, it's at the center. We learn to love differently; our aspirations and dreams are distinct; our ways of forming bonds are different, even our sexual desires are different. That's why we suffer so much when we fall in love: men and women speak different languages and have different conceptions of love.

Many feminist women dream of a love that makes us equal to men. We've been sold that impossible myth that links feminism and romantic love, making us believe that if we find our prince charming, we can build an egalitarian relationship based on companionship, mutual respect, tenderness, pleasure, cooperation, solidarity, mutual assistance, and teamwork.

We dream of sharing life with an honest, loyal partner with whom we can fight against patriarchy. But truly finding a man like that is harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

While we dream of new men who work on dismantling their patriarchal behaviors, most still dream of the princess who waits and loves unconditionally. But they can't find her. While we search for men who don't need to make women suffer to feel powerful, many continue collecting conquests to boost their ego and feel macho.

Women who no longer suffer for love are dismantling the entire structure that leads us to voluntary submission to men through love. One of the things we're working on the most is staying away from men with masculinity issues.

We've personally experienced how these masculinity issues affect us, and we know that we weren't born to save any man or to educate him as if he were a child. We're seeking partners who can work on their own patriarchal conditioning just as we do, who can create their own tools to learn how to relate in an egalitarian, peaceful, and loving manner.

Since schools don't teach us how to love ourselves well, how to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence and harming each other, how to express our feelings, we will have to find a way to learn. Nobody helps us manage strong emotions; we don't know how to communicate assertively. They don't teach us about sexism, nor do they provide tools to work against it; they don't teach us feminist theory, and we're oblivious to the history of feminist struggles. Schools don't teach us how to negotiate through dialogue, how to relate without violence, so for now, it's a task that each of us must undertake. We need to read a lot, listen, engage in conversations about these subjects to find a way to treat ourselves better, to love ourselves better, and to dismantle sexism and patriarchy.

We're in a historic moment: patriarchal masculinity is in a deep crisis, and there are no more excuses for not freeing ourselves from the sexism within each of us. It's time to declare rebellion against gender mandates, to shed the myths, to put on the violet-tinted glasses, to engage in individual and collective self-critique, and to activate our imagination to collectively design a better world.

There's no other path but forward: we must analyze our reality through a gender lens to understand how we construct our masculine, feminine, or non-binary identities, and to comprehend why we relate and love the way we do, rather than differently. It's an analysis from the outside in: it involves seeing how we've internalized patriarchy through culture and socialization, how we reproduce and transmit it to new generations, how we organize based on that ideology, how it affects us, and how it affects our loved ones, how it limits us, how it makes us suffer, how it prevents us from enjoying love and life.

It's a thrilling process, as it's not just about deconstructing and dismantling biases, myths, stereotypes, or gender norms. It's also about getting creative to invent new forms of masculinity and new ways of organizing and relating, designing new strategies to free ourselves from patriarchy, and learning to love ourselves without fear, without power dynamics, without abuse, and without violence.

Collectively, we can find ways to live better, to love ourselves well, to build a more equal, peaceful, and loving world. A world where everyone fits and where rights are accessible to all.

In this book, you'll find many questions that can help you generate new inquiries and work on the topics of masculinities and feminisms, sexual and romantic relationships, and how men relate to themselves, each other, and women.

The underlying philosophy of this work is that other forms of masculinity are possible, and other ways of loving are possible: it's a hymn to optimism and a call to action. I invite you to open your hearts to Love Revolution.

You can find it in Amazon

What is feminism for?

What its  feminism for?


  • To ensure the human rights of all women, regardless of their socioeconomic status, nationality, ethnicity, religion, profession, sexual orientation, or age.


  • To end female poverty and ensure access to water and land for all women farmers around the world.


  • To eliminate all forms of violence against women: abuse, sexual violence, kidnappings, sexual exploitation, slavery, abuse, mutilations, stoning, and feminicides.


  • To grant women freedom of movement and the ability to be in all spaces, to walk down the street without fear.


  • To enable girls to study and choose their profession with equal opportunities.


  • To provide boys and girls with sexual and emotional education, so they can enjoy sex and love without fear of pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases.


  • To uphold the rights of working women, ensuring they receive equal pay for the same jobs as men, avoiding labor precarity, and preventing unemployment during economic crises.


  • To empower women to organize, defend their rights, and build networks of affection, cooperation, and mutual support.


  • To put an end to double standards and the tyranny of beauty, allowing women to view their bodies without shame and enjoy their sexuality and eroticism without fear.


  • To teach boys to take care of themselves and their own homes, so they don't rely on maids when they grow up.


  • To recognize domestic work politically and socially, and ensure fair compensation for those engaged in essential survival tasks (nutrition, hygiene, health, care, upbringing, and education). To guarantee all rights for domestic workers.


  • To denounce the invisibility of women's work in basic and higher education, in the media, in History, in Science, in Art, Culture, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.
  • So that women feel free to choose their partner and to separate.
  • To prevent women from being raped or abused by their relatives when they are girls.
  • To ensure that women are not psychologically or physically abused by their partners.
  • To prevent discrimination, murder, and punishment of lesbian women and transgender individuals.
  • To put an end to the trafficking of sex slaves and the trafficking of women worldwide.
  • To enable women to be emotionally and financially independent.
  • To stop mass murders of women by their current or former partners.
  • To grant women the right to vote and be voted for.
  • To allow women to freely choose whether or not they want to be mothers, to balance motherhood with their work life, and to prevent them from being fired or penalized for their maternity.
  • To enable men to balance fatherhood with their work life, to actively participate in caregiving tasks, and to exercise their rights as fathers without social or economic penalties.
  • So that men can give and receive affection in public without fear of being insulted or demeaned by comparing them to girls or gays.
  • So that men can have beautiful relationships with free and autonomous women.


  • So that men can have beautiful relationships with other men, and women with other women, without suffering punishment or discrimination.


  • So that women and men can raise their sons and daughters with equal conditions and good treatment.


  • So that women do not have to be oppressed by gender mandates, so that no one imposes a model of womanhood on them, and so they can choose the type of femininity they desire or construct their own.


  • So that men can feel free from patriarchy. They can express their feelings without fear, learn to solve their problems without violence, and liberate themselves from the fear of not measuring up as an alpha male.


  • To build a better, more peaceful, and egalitarian world.


  • To dismantle romantic love and invent other ways of caring for each other, organizing ourselves, and relating to one another.

Coral Herrera Gómez


Original in spanish:

¿Para qué sirve el feminismo?

Masculine strategies to make women suffer


The patriarchy educates men to believe that the end justifies the means. And since the end, for many, is to have one or several women at their feet, always available to them, they don't pause to consider the ethical dimension of their behavior. They don't stop to think that causing suffering to someone to have power over them is abuse and violence.

A liberated woman with whom you have enjoyable sexual encounters can tell you yes or no when you want sex. On the other hand, an enamored woman will come running into your arms at any time. This is the difference between free women and women imprisoned by love. Men educated in the patriarchy view love as a war, and for them, making women captives is like a game: it's a challenge to their masculinity, similar to the one they play when they go hunting. They love to collect trophies to show off their power, to increase their prestige, to reaffirm their masculinity, to feel important, to garner applause and arouse envy from others, and to have many available women around them.

This isn't just the case for alpha males; it also happens to left-wing men, feminist allies, and progressive polyamorous individuals. They believe their dating techniques are appropriate because they were used by their great-grandfathers and fathers. They learn them from movies, series, novels, and tabloid press, but they also learn them from the men around them: almost everyone does it; it's considered "normal."

From a very young age, they learn that a ball comes back to you at a higher speed the harder you hit it against the wall. There are several jokes about the similarity between balls and women: they know that if women fall in love and suffer, they will become more submissive, and they can manipulate them to keep them on hand when they need them.

And how do they make women fall in love? Almost all follow the same steps: first, they make them laugh, then they shower them with orgasms and attention, and afterward, they distance themselves so that the women don't think they have completely won them over and to make them start suffering.

Patriarchal men know that women have a serious self-esteem problem, which makes us insecure and jealous. They also know that we are very afraid of being alone and of not being wanted by anyone because we are bombarded every day with the idea that we must make an effort to find a partner and invest a lot of money, time, and resources to look beautiful, be fashionable, excel in everything, and be perfect in order to be loved and to prevent our beloved from seeking other women.


Many men take advantage of this low self-esteem to make us touch the sky with our fingers and then bring us down to hell. Their techniques are very effective, which is why there are so many women suffering for love: women broken by pain, women with terribly damaged mental health, depressed and medicated women, women who commit suicide, women in therapy trying to heal their wounds...

We are millions who want to stop being slaves to love, and we put a lot of effort into it. But love is a very powerful drug, and from a young age, they make us addicts to turn us into love junkies, to make us dependent on a myth that sets our bodies, hearts, guts, and sexuality on fire. We spend a lot of energy and time trying to be loved, and then it takes us years to detach ourselves from romantic love. The price we pay for falling in love is too high, but nobody talks to us about the tremendous cost of suffering for a man's love.

Patriarchal men don't evaluate the impact their desires and needs have on others: they simply use strategies that work for them without considering whether they cause suffering or not. They don't think about whether it's ethical to bring women to their knees for their own benefit. They've been told that anything goes in love, that there are no rules or restrictions to limit their exercise of power. They've been told that women are cunning and that they have to defend themselves against feminine charms: they know that the only way to control women who have rights and feel free is through love.

Many haven't even heard of emotional responsibility: they don't take responsibility for the strategies they use to get what they want because these are the methods that have been used for generations.

Some believe that we suffer because we want to; they tell us that we're actually free and could leave them whenever we want. They believe that we like it and that we enjoy suffering, that it's in our nature and inherent to women.

But it's not inherent: women learn to suffer before learning to enjoy love. From a young age, we're presented with the image of great sufferers as beautiful and special women. They mythologize them to make us cooperate with the patriarchy, which wants us bitter and preoccupied with romantic love. As we grow older, we don't believe we have the right to receive care and love; we've only been taught to give them.

Abuse in relationships is normalized and romanticized: we're made to believe that in order to experience passion, we must suffer. We're led to believe that when Cupid shoots his arrows, we're destined to endure suffering for love. We go into love defenseless and vulnerable, while they go in wearing helmets, shields, and swords. We approach love with illusions, thinking it holds our salvation, and the blow we experience when we realize that romantic love is a deceit and there's no reward for suffering for love is deeply painful.

That's why it's so important to become aware that we must stop suffering for love. To do that, we need to understand the techniques that some heterosexual men use to subjugate us and keep us under control.

Here are their

  • Mixed Signals: They give you mixed signals, alternating between affection and distance. This rollercoaster of emotions creates intense highs that hook you in, followed by lows that cause you to suffer.
  • Ambiguity: Some use ambiguity, not clearly expressing their feelings. They appear confused, say one thing then another, tease hope and then take it away, often portraying themselves as tormented to evoke empathy.
  • On-again, Off-again: They appear and disappear, creating uncertainty and anxiety. Their presence and absence mimic the ebb and flow of waves, keeping you in a constant state of emotional turbulence.
  • Promises of a Future: Some make you feel incredibly special and talk about a future together, using well-practiced techniques reminiscent of modern-day "Don Juans."
  • Undermining Self-Esteem: Others make you feel insignificant while appearing larger-than-life themselves, further eroding your self-esteem.
  • False Love: Some claim to be madly in love, making grand promises of a future they might not be able to fulfill. They understand that promises fuel hope and illusion, even if they are knowingly deceiving you.
  • Feigned Emotions: Others may not be in love at all, but they pretend to be enamored to manipulate you into falling for them. They understand that sweet words can open hearts, even if their intentions are destructive.
  • Manipulation: these techniques are used to manipulate emotions, causing suffering and dependency. Recognizing these patterns can help empower women to break free from such harmful dynamics.
  • Some impose their ideal of a relationship upon you without considering your desires or understanding of love.
  • Others are deniers of the relationship, insisting that despite the years you've been together, you're nobody, you mean nothing to them, and you'll never be a couple. Some hide you from their loved ones, others don't, but most take advantage of the non-committed privilege to do as they please, according to their appetites or needs.
  • Some provoke jealousy in their partners to prevent them from feeling unique, to ensure compliance, effort, and constant fear of being replaced.
  • Others cry and play the victim to keep you attentive to them, catering to their needs while neglecting your own.
  • Some confine you to a monogamous relationship, convincing you of their monogamy while they are not. It's plain sexism and selfishness: they maintain a diverse sexual and romantic life while they remain the center of your world. Look at how brothels in any town or city are full of men during the day. Monogamy is a big scam that serves to suppress our sexuality, domesticating and confining us.
  • Others propose open relationships, enjoying the power of having multiple women in the same space to see them compete and vie for their attention.
  • Some are very "honest," elaborating in detail about how they flirt with other women and how much they enjoy it.
  • Others are deeply dishonest: they conceal information or deliberately lie all the time. When caught, they apologize and lie again until the women either give in or leave.
  • Some provoke anger to make you submit; for example, if they know you're upset, they might start an argument to divert attention from your anger.
  • Others use the silent treatment, refusing to talk to you and showing complete indifference to make you feel remorseful and guilty.
  • Some make you believe they'll love you forever but neglect you in the present, while others are stingy with love, offering it in minimal doses to keep you always wanting more.
  • Some create triangles: they make you believe you and another girl came into their life at the same time, or they involve an ex in the current relationship. This way, they live like kings, with two women vying for their attention, causing both to suffer as he moves between them. He might alternate between them or be with both simultaneously, and neither finds it easy to break free from this triangular prison.
  • Others demand that you give yourself completely, convincing you that your freedom, projects, social and emotional networks, and passions are obstacles to the relationship. They ask you to leave everything behind and focus solely on them.

    Some make you believe that without them, you're nothing, that you won't be able to find happiness away from them, that you owe them everything, that your happiness depends on them, and that you have no value on your own.


    Others praise you to make you feel like a goddess, although they might also do the same with others.


    Some see you as a suitable wife candidate, while others view you solely as a lover. Despite your efforts to escape stereotypes and patriarchal mandates, they tend to label and treat you according to their perception of the type of woman you are (good woman/bad woman, wife material/casual fling).


    Some lack empathy entirely and are unsupportive; they don't care if you cry for them. They believe it's your problem, that you brought it upon yourself, and they couldn't care less if you're breaking inside. Others, on the other hand, relish in seeing you desperate, sad, bitter, anxious, and full of distress. They feel important when they witness their partners cry and watch them grovel for scraps of love. They consistently try to make you believe that your struggles are due to your craziness, and that you are responsible for your own suffering.


    Some want you to always agree with them, solve their problems, and rescue them from themselves. Others want you to respect their freedom to live life on their terms. However, they all understand that to have a woman at their mercy, they must make her fall in love and make her suffer. They believe it doesn't matter if they have to lie, toy with your feelings, deceive, and emotionally manipulate you to achieve this.




    This pattern of relating is so normalized that we often fail to recognize that causing someone to suffer is a form of violence. Emotional manipulation is a form of violence, but it's presented as an act of love. We've been told time and time again that "those who love you will make you cry." They make us believe that love and hate are the same, and that "those who fight the most are the ones who desire each other the most." However, the truth is that any kind of relationship, regardless of its nature or duration, should be based on mutual care.

    Whether it's a virtual or in-person relationship, whether it lasts for a night or three years, any relationship between two people engaging in a sexual connection should be founded on empathy, respect, complicity, solidarity, and care.

    This way of relating has become so normalized that we hardly realize that causing someone to suffer is violence.

    Emotional manipulation is a form of violence, but it's presented to us as an act of love. We've been told countless times that "those who love you will make you cry." We're led to believe that love and hate are the same, and that "those who fight the most are the ones who desire each other the most." However, the truth is that any kind of relationship, regardless of its nature or duration, should be based on mutual care.

    Whether it's a virtual or in-person relationship, whether it lasts for a night or three years, any relationship between two people coming together to enjoy a sexual connection should be founded on empathy, respect, complicity, solidarity, and care.

    Love is not a game if it hurts. If you cause others to suffer, it's because you're behaving badly.

    The good news is that everything can be worked on and de-patriarchalized.

    Now that we know who benefits from the suffering of women and why they want us to suffer, we must rebel and not allow any man to emotionally manipulate us and play with us.

    The heart of patriarchy lies in the relationships we build as couples, which is why it's so important to understand these male techniques and refuse to live on our knees in the face of love.

    The suffering is over; now it's our turn to start enjoying.

    We all own our love: we won't be fooled anymore.

    Coral Herrera Gómez

En Español:  Técnicas masculinas para hacer sufrir a las mujeres

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